Behind The Beautiful Forevers: Development of Migrant Labourers

December 12, 2022
Labourers are the true drivers of the construction industry. We try our best to ensure the well-being and all-round development of our labourers with this program. We work in the following areas for this group: HEALTH & HYGIENE, EDUCATION, NUTRITION, RECREATION and ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN.
AAROHAN: For the safety & well-being of the children living at our construction sites, we have partnered with Tara Mobile Crèches (TMCP) and Doorstep, organisations that specialize in day care services for children of migrant construction workers. With their knowledge, we provide nutrition, education, health and recreation facilities to these kids.

ADULTS: We arrange regular Health check-up camps, HIV awareness programs and substance de-addiction workshops. We work a lot around hygiene and taboos surrounding menstruation in women. We have recently opened a recreation center equipped with carom boards and other gaming equipment that the laborers use in their free time.

WOMEN: Economic empowerment of women goes a long way in bringing about the desired changes in the community. With this thought in mind, we have introduced financial literacy and livelihood generation programs for the women on the site itself. These include making and selling paper bags and organic farming.